Mayor’s Community Awards recognition for Michele Lewington

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Our very own Michele Lewington has been recognised for her hard work and dedication behind New Era Community Projects. Congratulations Michele!

Michele is the beating heart of New Era, an organisation that grew from a local food distribution project, started during lockdown, into a CIC with involvement in numerous projects across the borough. Michelle’s solid organisational skills, deep caring and friendly business style keep all of us volunteers engaged and willing.

Her organisational skills came to the fore in setting up the Square 1 cafe in Chessington. This involved: finding the location, overcoming the council’s concerns about food hygiene,  writing many procedures and building a large team of willing volunteers, along with organising a strong social media campaign.

Her work has included contributions to many groups, especially in organising the surplus food collections from supermarkets, setting up and overseeing Square 1 wellbeing cafes at Chessington Sports Centre and the Hawker Centre, contributing to the Surbiton Community Fridge and setting up the Chessington Community Fridge.

More information about the Mayor’s Community Awards can be found here: Celebrating local heroes at this year’s Mayor’s Community Awards –

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